Wherever possible, this playlist uses live performances with good video and good audio. In some cases there isn't great video available and in those cases, I link to the album version. Everything in this playlist is good. It wouldn't be here if it wasn't.
You might want to sample this collection if you should happen to find yourself in an emotional state. These songs can wreck you. Approach at your own risk.
My acoustic is a Martin. I love it. I also have a variety of electric guitars. Most of them came to me broken and abused. Eventually I was able to nurse them back to health and they are now some pretty nice guitars. I also have a Carvin 5-string bass.
I got my earliest introduction into professional audio engineering in the era just before digital music made its first appearance.
I learned using reel-to-reel multitrack recorders and analog mixing desks. Reverb, compression, delay, equalization... All of the tools known to recording, were outboard units mounted in equipment racks using patch bays to route signals. I'm talking old-school. There were no click tracks, or Autotune, or cut & paste.
The microphones and other equipment were spectacular. Neuman small and large-diaphragm condenser microphones running into a Seck mixing desk which fed an Otari MX-5050 8-track recorder. Mixdown was to a very high quality Yamaha 2-track.