This site exists for little reason other than as a way to show off my web development skills. Such as they are.
All the video and photography you see on this site was captured by me, except for the stuff that wasn't.
This site isn't from one of those "build-your-own-website" things. I built this website from scratch, with my bare hands... And a code editor... And Developer Tools... And grim, relentless, determination. Using only native ingenuity and Visual Studio I was able to construct a site that is already outdated and of little use to anyone. The one feature it does have is a six character web name.
Pretty much all the good web names are taken. Especially the short ones. A web name that is 6 characters and is easy to remember is a pretty cool thing if you're a web developer. You probably aren't a web developer but, if you were, you'd probably say it was pretty swell.
There's no point in me, or anyone else, trying to host video myself on my puny little computer so all my video and audio stuff is on my Youtube Channel. Just click the Video link above to see the stuff I have uploaded on Youtube.